Saturday, July 24, 2010

Introducing the Bottle


Some babies have no difficulty switching from breastfeeding to bottle feeding and back again, but some do. Here's how to make the switch easier. Breastfeeding, with its combination of the perfect food (your milk) and perfect comfort (close to you), is ideal for your baby, but it might not always be ideal for you: If you're planning an afternoon away, an evening out, or going back to work, you may find it necessary to replace a breastfeeding session (or two or three…) with a supplementary bottle of expressed breast milk or formula. FOR MORE INFORMATION CLIK LINK BELOW...


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Caring for the umbilical cord


Before baby has a belly button, the stump of the umbilical cord needs to fall off, which it will typically do on its own between 10 and 14 days after her birth. To ward off potential infection, keep the stump clean and dry:[tip:] Do not bathe baby until the stump falls off, although using a sponge to clean other areas of her body is fine.[tip... See More:] To keep diapers off the cord area, fold them over so that they do not cover the stump, and keep your little one in loose-fitting clothing, both of which will give the area air.[tip:] Some doctors still recommend using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to aid in the drying out of the stump; however, this is not a necessity, as studies on newborns that didn’t have their stumps cleaned showed they still lost them naturally and without infection.

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